Archive | September, 2013

On Being Raised Racist

30 Sep

This post is possibly inflammatory, and was very difficult to write… please read the commenting guidelines before crafting a reply.  Thank you.

I was raised racist.

That’s a scary thing to admit in this day and age, when merely saying the word ‘racism’ is inviting an emotional firestorm down on your head.

A few days ago, my submission to ‘Project O’ was posted.  In the days leading up to its publication, I began to grow concerned.  I’d answered the questions as openly and honestly as I was able, including things I wasn’t necessarily proud of, namely the fact that I was raised to be a racist. Continue reading

God Doesn’t Care

27 Sep
English: Religious symbols from the top nine o...

English: Religious symbols from the top nine organised faiths of the world according to Major world religions From left to right: 1st Row: Christian Cross, Jewish Star of David, Hindu Aumkar 2nd Row: Islamic Star and crescent, Buddhist Wheel of Dharma, Shinto Torii 3rd Row: Sikh Khanda, Bahá’í star, Jain Ahimsa Symbol (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This post is in response to an article here, part of a project titled ‘Project O’, which is all about people’s opinions on opinions, and whether culture dictates what we feel or how we express it.  Only the first four paragraphs are actually in response to the article, the rest just grew into some gargantuan speech I didn’t expect.

I know that not everyone believes in God, and if not, that is between you and your own heart.  Personally, I do.  Not with the ‘God’/Religion I was raised in, or at least, not in the same way that I was raised to practice, but I do believe in God, and I do believe that Jesus Christ was His issue, sent here to show us the true path.

I also happen to believe that the ‘path’ has been horrendously distorted by mankind.

This post is mainly a rambling of my thoughts about God, Christianity, and just thoughts I’ve been having lately about faith and religion.  I don’t expect many people to like it, including those who don’t believe in God at all, and a whole heap of those that do.

Now that you’ve read the warning about what this post contains, should you decide to comment, please be sure that your comment falls within the ‘commenting guidelines’ located here Thank you.


Just as a side note… that preacher, the one who came to your school… he was wrong.  The bible clearly states that eating the meat that is sacrificed to an idol is only wrong if it is wrong to YOU.

It does go on to say that if it is offensive to your brother and may cause him to stumble (in his walk with Christ) that you should not eat it, out of a desire to not become a stumbling block to another, but that the eating of the meat itself is NOT wrong. Continue reading

Apathy (A Poem)

24 Sep

Often we hear it said that the opposite of LOVE is HATE.

Please allow me to disagree.

For the true opposite of love

Is Apathy.

For the opposite of that which holds us in thrall

Is not to care

About it

At all.


AT 9/24/13

inspired by comments on the post below

Related Articles:

Never Give Up – Video

24 Sep

Tonight’s YouTube video.

If you like it, please take a moment to LIKE the video through YouTube as well as the blog post… and a moment to share it with others. 🙂  Thank you!


The Traveler – A Journey Of the Soul (Video)

23 Sep

I made a video for yesterday’s writing and posted it on Youtube. Hope you enjoy.


Related Content:

The Traveler

22 Sep
English: Lower AuSable Lake in the Adirondack ...

Lower AuSable Lake in the Adirondack High Peaks. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

One spring day, a man climbed to the top of a mountain, and beheld a view so breathtakingly beautiful it brought tears to his eyes.

He sat on the ground, and found himself more comfortable than he’d ever been, and decided that he would not move from this place, he would stay here, enjoying this amazing view for the rest of his life.

Each day, others came to the top of the mountain, many stayed, but others only gazed around them, and then continued on their way.

At first, the man didn’t notice the others, only the view in front of him, and each day he wept at its beauty.

As the man wept, he began to notice the others, those who only stopped for a moment, and then continued on their journey.

He called out to one and asked, ‘Brother, brother, how can you walk away from the most beautiful view in the world?’

The other man paused, smiled down at him and said, ‘I am not walking away, brother.  I journey to become a part of it.’

The man looked at the traveler in confusion, ‘I don’t understand.’

The traveler reached out his hand, and helped the man to his feet.  He pointed to the path that led up the mountain and said, ‘To get here, you traveled very far, and the way was not easy.’

He pointed to where the man had been sitting, ‘Here you found comfort, in order to regain your strength…’

He then turned, and pointed to the view, ‘… and a glimpse of where you’re going, in order to regain your will.’

He turned back to the man, joy and kindness shining from his eyes and said, ‘But this is not the end, brother.’

The man looked down the mountain and said, ‘But there is no path from here to there.  Will I not get lost?’

The traveler smiled at him and said, ‘There is no path until you begin the journey.  Each man’s path is his own, but throughout the journey, you will find signs to point you in the direction you should go, and there will be guides to help you along the way.’

The man said, ‘But I am afraid.  I do not want to take the long journey alone.’

The traveler smiled again and said, ‘Brother, you will not be alone.  Although each man’s path is his own, there are many of us taking the journey, and each place you need a friend, one will be there waiting, to share the path with you, until you’re ready to continue on alone.’

The man looked back at the path he had taken up the mountain, then at the place he had rested, then at the view he’d admired for so long, then finally he looked back at the traveler, ‘How do you know these things?’

The traveler smiled, and pointed to the edge of the clearing, where a faint path was slowly appearing.  He held out his hand.

‘Because, brother, I have already begun my journey.  I was sent back to help you begin yours.’

Thank you to all of my friends who have taken the time to help me along my own journey.  I love you all so very dearly… this story is in honor of you.

Intent: The Hidden Power of Speech

21 Sep

Last night, I posted my first YouTube video, and while I was hoping to share a relaxation technique with others that I find useful, I also learned a lesson from it myself.

In the video, there’s background music, but for the first six minutes or so, I’m talking.  First, I’m explaining the process, then I’m guiding the listener through it.  While listening to it post-production, I noticed a jarring difference between my voice (and its effect) when I switched from ‘instructing’ mode into ‘guiding’ mode.

While (in my opinion) my voice isn’t abrasive in the first half, when my tone changes for the second half, the difference is undeniable, and it made me realize just how much the ‘intent’ behind our words impacts what we say; that even when there’s nothing necessarily ‘wrong’ with our tone of voice, a simple change of intent has the power to transform our words and, potentially, all of our relationships that involve speech. Continue reading

8 Hours for 10 Minutes… I’m Almost Ashamed

21 Sep

I’d love to explain why I just spent the last EIGHT hours on a 10 minute YouTube video, but I can’t.

Perhaps it’s the fact that I’m stubborn, and refuse to let much of anything get the better of me.

Perhaps it’s just because I’ve never made a YouTube video before, and I just didn’t know what I was doing.

Perhaps it’s because I was bored.

In reality, it’s a little bit of all three, plus a few more for good measure, but, I honestly did just waste the last eight hours on a video that consisted of two slides, a title and credits, and a dual layer soundtrack, and most likely will be full of negative comments within 24 hours (YouTube-ers are notoriously mean in the comments, I’ve noticed!).

BUT, that still does not stop me from feeling a sense of pride, as well as accomplishment, for doing something I’ve never done before, and doing it passably well… at least, in my own opinion.

It’s me explaining a relaxation technique I use to get to sleep sometimes when my mind just won’t shut off… sometimes it works immediately, sometimes it takes a while, but I promise, if you attempt this technique long enough, you WILL fall asleep… eventually 😉

If anyone was interested in checking it out, it can be found here.  It features my artwork, and the music from the singing plants CD I bought the other week.

Art & Life Updates, A Fire In My Kitchen

18 Sep

I know I’ve been all over the map lately, and I apologize for that, however, my life has been all over the map, so of course my blog will reflect that. 🙂

I’m excited to get my hands on the 4×5 set of my artwork that I ordered the other day (it should be in either today or tomorrow).  I’m excited to see how it looks, and to get it in an album to show off to people, and to show potential buyers what I’ve got.

I managed to get a few more photos that have potential to be turned into artwork, but as of yet, I haven’t had a chance to upload them to my computer, much less work with them. Continue reading

Lunch Should Not Be A Sin

17 Sep

… but this one comes REALLY close!

Words can not express how good this sandwich was!

Words can not express how good this sandwich was!

I know the picture is crap, but I was in a hurry to EAT it, LOL!

What you’re looking at here is:

Ham, Turkey, Roast Beef, Cheddar, and Provolone on homemade Parmesan Oregano bread, topped with Red Onion, Oregano, Mayo and Olive Oil.

I thought my sandwich from last night was good… I was wrong.  This is the closest non-dessert I’ve come to sin on a plate.

I also made some Apple Cinnamon Macadamia Bread with Cinnamon & Brown Sugar Crust, for which I got the base recipe here, added a few ingredients (like Macadamia nuts and a handful of oatmeal), substituted a couple of ingredients (sunflower oil for canola, pumpkin pie spice mix for ground clove and allspice).  It turned out pretty tasty, if I do say so myself!

Apple Cinnamon Macadamia Nut Bread, fresh out the oven!

Apple Cinnamon Macadamia Nut Bread, fresh out the oven!

Apple Cinnamon Macadamia Nut Bread, sans a slice or two!

Apple Cinnamon Macadamia Nut Bread, sans a slice or two!