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Purple Universe

1 Oct

Okay… my last few posts have been pretty heavy, in the emotional sense, so I’m going to lighten things up a bit.

Last week, I did some meditation and ‘saw’ some stuff in my mind that I wanted to draw so I didn’t forget, and, well, let’s just say that it didn’t do the picture in my head justice, LOL!  So, I decided that I would attempt to obtain some skills in Graphic Art type stuff.  So, I played around following a few tutorials on YouTube, and came up with the following picture.

Just thought I share it with you all.  It’s nothing spectacular, but it was fun to make. 🙂

Purple Universe

Purple Universe

I used GIMP to make it, which is a program like Photoshop, except it’s free… and if it’s free, it’s for me! 😉