Tag Archives: Plants

Singing Plants – This Is Amazing!

10 Sep

This is the most amazing thing I think I’ve ever seen/heard… it was all I could do not to cry while listening to this.  Please give it a look, and let me know what you think in the comments!

Did you hear how the music changed for each person?  I just can’t get over this!

I found the link to this video here, when I was searching the benefits of singing to plants… little did I know that the plants would be singing to ME!

I just bought the CD they made with the music of the plants, if you are interested in purchasing it also, it can be found here, on the left side of the page about halfway down, under the heading ‘Plant and Music Study’.

The Miracle Of Life

8 Sep

Hello all!  I apologize for my unexpected absence, I have been busy with my art, got a new toy that I’ve been playing with, and have just had a lot going on and haven’t had taken the time to make posts this last week or so.

In today’s post, I wanted to tell you all about a new little project I’ve been working on.  I’ve decided to try my hand at a bit of indoor gardening!

I’m not very ‘plant‘ smart, I’ve always considered myself to have a relatively brown thumb, but back at the beginning of July, I decided to buy a couple plants, and I bought two New Guinea Impatients, and they seem to be doing quite well, they’ve doubled in size since then, and I think they look great!

This is the Little Impatient when I bought it in early July.

This is the Little Impatient when I bought it in early July.

The Little Impatient as of yesterday.

The Little Impatient as of yesterday.













Above is my small Impatient when I first got it, and what it looks like now.  The following pictures are of the big Impatient. Continue reading