Tag Archives: Grow light

The Miracle Of Life

8 Sep

Hello all!  I apologize for my unexpected absence, I have been busy with my art, got a new toy that I’ve been playing with, and have just had a lot going on and haven’t had taken the time to make posts this last week or so.

In today’s post, I wanted to tell you all about a new little project I’ve been working on.  I’ve decided to try my hand at a bit of indoor gardening!

I’m not very ‘plant‘ smart, I’ve always considered myself to have a relatively brown thumb, but back at the beginning of July, I decided to buy a couple plants, and I bought two New Guinea Impatients, and they seem to be doing quite well, they’ve doubled in size since then, and I think they look great!

This is the Little Impatient when I bought it in early July.

This is the Little Impatient when I bought it in early July.

The Little Impatient as of yesterday.

The Little Impatient as of yesterday.













Above is my small Impatient when I first got it, and what it looks like now.  The following pictures are of the big Impatient. Continue reading