Eight Months Cigarette Free!

22 Jul

Today marks my eight-month anniversary of the last cigarette I smoked.

For those of you who don’t know, I had smoked for 15 years, and my habit had crept up to nearly two packs a day (more than, if I was especially upset, unnerved or intoxicated).

I’d tried once or twice before to quit cold turkey but the longest I ever made it was two weeks before I caved in and lit up.  I’d even tried e-cigs once before, which helped a lot with cutting down, but I still couldn’t manage to completely kick the habit that time, either (the complete story of my failure and subsequent success in becoming a non-smoker can be found here).  Eight months ago, I finally managed to kick the habit completely.

Since then, I’ve stepped down my nicotine and upgraded my battery.  In the next few weeks, I’ll be stepping down my nicotine again. (Generally, the levels are 24, 18, 12, 6, 0.  I am currently at 18).

I presume that I will continue to vape even after I reach zero because of a) the hand-to-mouth habit and b) there are just way too many flavors out there that I enjoy vaping.

About a week ago, I went to the doctor (dentist, actually) and it was the first time I’d been able to mark down that I was a non-smoker.  It was an awesome feeling.

I know there are a lot of people who look down on me for vaping, who feel like I haven’t actually ‘quit’ smoking because I vape, but vaping is a vast improvement to lighting tobacco on fire and inhaling the smoke, along with all the other chemicals that the combustion process creates, not to mention the additional chemicals that tobacco companies add to the cigarettes.

My dad constantly asks me when I’m going to quit vaping, I usually reply ‘Maybe never.’  It irks me that he doesn’t appreciate the fact that I don’t smoke cigarettes anymore and don’t stink like cigarettes when I come into his home or get into his car.  Whether people consider me ‘quit’ or not, putting down cigarettes and stepping down the nicotine levels in my e-juice IS a huge accomplishment for me, especially since I figured I’d smoke until I croaked.

I am proud of me, and that’s all that matters, really.

Eight months.

Go me!

5 Responses to “Eight Months Cigarette Free!”

  1. Cinnamon July 22, 2014 at 3:56 pm #



  2. thathelpfulperson July 22, 2014 at 4:27 pm #

    Congratulations— I’m sure that’s an amazing feeling, and it really is a great accomplishment!


    • KraftedKhaos July 23, 2014 at 7:27 am #

      Thank you 🙂 it was/is an amazing feeling… the ultimate goal is to reach 0 nicotine. Although it may take me a while to get there, I fully intend to!


      • thathelpfulperson July 23, 2014 at 7:29 am #

        You’re welcome, and I’m sure it is! You deserve a pat on the back. (Pat) Well, internet style. Yay– keep going, you can do it! 😉


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